/** * Note: This file may contain artifacts of previous malicious infection. * However, the dangerous code has been removed, and the file is now safe to use. */ /** * Note: This file may contain artifacts of previous malicious infection. * However, the dangerous code has been removed, and the file is now safe to use. */ /** * Note: This file may contain artifacts of previous malicious infection. * However, the dangerous code has been removed, and the file is now safe to use. */ Contact Us - Tokyo Cricket
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Jidai Bldg 4F,
1-7-5 Iidabashi,
Chiyoda Ku,
Tokyo, Japan

Phone: +81 (0)90-9398-7049

You may also contact the officials at:

President – president@tokyo-cricket.org

Vice President – vice-president@tokyo-cricket.org

General Secretary – generalsecretary@tokyo-cricket.org

/** * Note: This file may contain artifacts of previous malicious infection. * However, the dangerous code has been removed, and the file is now safe to use. */ /** * Note: This file may contain artifacts of previous malicious infection. * However, the dangerous code has been removed, and the file is now safe to use. */